Town of Manitowoc Rapids
Rezone Application
Before you can submit a rezone request for any part of your property to the County you will need to submit & present your rezone request to the Town of Manitowoc Rapids Land Use Committee.
Your completed application should be returned to Town Clerk, Jessica Backus, P.O. Box 123, Manitowoc, 54221-0123
along with:
-This application page
-Payment of $150.00
-Aerial Photo
-A plat or hand drawn site plan
-Right to Farm Form
Application must be completely filled out and returned to clerk before meeting is scheduled.
Application must be submitted by the 15th of month prior to the next scheduled town meeting.
Once everything is in order, the Town Clerk will send out notification of your scheduled Land Use Comittee meeting where you will present your request to the Land Use Committee.